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Periodico giornaliero sportivo - Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Forlì - Registrato al n° 3309 della Cancelleria

Editore e Caporedattore: Simone Feroli
Direttore Responsabile: Roberto Feroli

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domenica 1 maggio 2016

FO - Football, Ercolani and his Manchester United: "Extraordinary club, it's all up to me"

Luca Ercolani: SportinRomagna first broke the news a few months ago. Luca Ercolani, defender, class 1999 from Forlì F.C., is a Manchester United player. The boy, who underwent trials, has impressed the Red Devils Youth Staff so much that he joined the Under18 team twice (although he never played): first in 3-2 win at Norwich City and second today, April 30, in home win against Southampton.
SportinRomagna exclusively reached Ercolani. He told us everything about his adventure across the Channel.
The boy, though very young, seems to be aware and mature, keeping his feet on the ground.

How does it feel to be a part of a great Club like the Man Utd?
"I feel very lucky, I have the chance to play for this awesome and legendary Club, I'm so thrilled and well aware".
What were your thoughts after the Under18 call ?
"I've always been training with the older players since I came here, but I had to wait a long time for a Fifa permission, so the U18 call meant so much to me".
What's your target ?
"I keep dreaming a lot, but now, having just started, I only want to gain the staff's credit and give everything to my team, working with humbleness".
How do you like it in Manchester ?
"I'm fine in Manchester, the town is beautiful, the weather has unusually been good so far, unlike what I expected. It's a perfect place to play football".
Were you thinking and hoping for their call ?
"Yes, I hoped so much. I worked so hard to get here, often in difficult situations and many times all by myself. The call's been fantastic news, sometimes I can't believe I really am in Manchester".
What about relationship with teammates, Premier Team and manager Van Gaal ?
"Everything is ok with my teammates, I'm trying to fit in as quickly as possible and learn from them during practice. The Club is awesome, it's a great family, so we all have the opportunity to stay in touch with great champions and managers".
Do you feel they didn't believe in you in Italy ?
No, I don't, at all. I've had unique experiences in Italy, I don't regret a thing, I would do it all again and  everything is going just fine in the end. It's all up to me".
What about school?
"I go to college twice a week and at the same time I'm attending the third year in online Accountancy . I will have tests in Italy on Mid June".
Would you like to greet SportinRomagna.it readers ?
"I say "Ciao" to all SportinRomagna.it readers!".

Simone Feroli
ph Instagram.com/lucaercolan1

(Thanx to Anna Mazzotti)

Luca Ercolani parla in esclusiva a SportinRomagna della sua avventura al Manchester United

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